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Ways to Follow Gabriel

Hi. I update several places, and I'd love to have you aboard for my journey.​


Gabriel Belthir's Livejournal

​This is a place for me to do everyday updates, keep people appraised of my progress on projects, and take some space to speak my mind. Everything from inspiration pictures, to excerpts and giveaways will be through my Livejournal. 


Gabriel Belthir's Facebook


Becasue Gabriel is a pen name, it's a fan page. I share my progress here as well, as well as follow other authors that may be of interest to you.


Gabriel's Email


If for any reason you wish to contact me, let me know about reviews, or want to connect your site to mine, please drop me an email.


Kinbaku Formatting

My company that offers cover art and formatting to small presses and self-published authors, for the perfect touch before the final printing. 


Gabriel Belthir's Twitter

​I've just secured a Twitter account, so bear with me as I learn how to express myself in 140 characters or less. 

Can't Wait To Hear From You!

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